“In the future, successful cities will need excellent infrastructure and services to be competitive and keep up with rapid change.”
- http://www.brandnewhelsinki.fi/2020/en/
For the second part of our project, we want to explore how our virtual assistant can work in tandem with other apps and VAs to help users with mobility concerns navigate Helsinki.
Preliminary Research
We examined four other applications which dealt with mobility and navigation:
- Open Street Maps (https://www.hotosm.org/)
- Chi safe path (http://www.chisafepath.com/)
- AccessMaps (https://www.accessmap.io/?region=wa.seattle)
- AXS Maps (https://www.axsmap.com/)
Open-source maps with standard, transport, and cycle map views. Users are allowed to analyze and contribute data to these maps through notes
Gap: Users cannot access other notes until they have been verified by Open Street Maps
Users contribute updated information about issues related to transit in Chicago.
- Gives directions and allows user feedback.
- Gap: couldn’t figure how to use it
The best example we found was AccessMaps, a crowdsourced map affiliated with the University of Washington. The maps of Seattle allow users to customize their mobility needs and does a block-by-block breakdown of elevation of the sidewalks. The map eventually would also provide information about the location of the bus
Initial Scenarios
After evaluating the available maps we created an initial scenarios detailing how someone in Helsinki could use the VA.
During the onboarding process, the user notifies the VA that he has a mobility issue. The VA prompts the user to allow access to calendar and locations so that the user can be provided with more in-depth information about accessibility issues and real-time updates.
Further into their trip, a calendar invite is sent. The location of the event takes place at a restaurant which is listed as “accessible” but has a bathroom which can only be reached by taking stairs.
The VA sends the user a notification about the location and asks the user if they would like to see other locations nearby which have not been flagged for potential accessibility issues.
The user prompts the VA to show the new list of locations, and selects one. The VA then asks for permission to send an updated invite to the other invitees on the calendar invite.
A woman with a stroller approaches a train station and sees that the elevator to the platform has been taken out of service. She tells the VA — “I’m currently at [train station] and the elevator is not working, how else can I get to [location].”
She is prompted to enable location services on her device. The VA gives her directions to the next station — a 20 minute walk, and also gives the option of calling an Uber.
The woman gives permission for the VA to call an Uber.
A user with mobility issues asks for directions. The suggested route from Google maps would take him to the same train station where the woman reported the out of service elevator, his VA reroutes the directions to take a different station.
While arriving at the station he approaches a screen with information. The screen adjusts the height of user input so it can be accessed at different heights.
Existing VAs and Accessibility
To test what information we would receive, we asked Siri and Google “Is the Carnegie Museum handicap accessible?”
Siri provided no information, just a link to the museum’s website and the hours. Google responded with a link to the “accessibility” section of the museum’s website.
To see how VAs integrated real-time information we also asked Google, “Is the elevator working at the West Oakland BART station?” Again we were directed to general information about the terminal but the updates continuously posted to the BART website were not utilized.
Updated Scenarios Based on Feedback
After discussing our initial scenarios with Dina and Matt we received the following suggestions:
Is it about Places or Navigation — Because initially our research was about navigation does it make sense to include scenarios with elevators
Close the loop on the 2 scenarios: How does one user’s input help another user?
We also discussed the possibly motivations for someone to report an obstruction using our VA. The concept of helper’s high was introduced and we looked at additional apps including Be My Eyes, Blind Square, and Pittsburgh’s 311 Twitter handle.
Melissa sees an issue near her work where construction has closed off the curb preventing those who cannot take a step from using the sidewalk.
She then notifies her VA of the location and issue.
A user with disability has a meeting in half an hour. The VA which is linked to this user’s calendar events and because its intelligent, recognises that Melissa updated about an issue with the curb on the same route
The VA notifies this user of this issue.
The VA gives the user the option for an alternate accessible route or calling an Uber
Depending on whether the new route is not too far out (not too long or much more time consuming), the user decides whether to just change the route or take an uber
The user informs the VA about their decision and the VA helps accordingly.
The VA gives the user the option to notify other participants in case there’s going to be a delay
Further Development on Participatory Aspect
Further Development on Navigation Issues
User Journeys
Scripts Based on Refined Scenarios
Emilia works at the Goethe-Institute Finand. Every morning she walks to work from the Kampin metro station. Today she notices that the curbs between Solomonkatu/Antinkatu and Solomonkatu/Olavinkatu are being obstructed by construction.
E: Hey Ki, there is construction on the street outside my building and the sidewalk is blocked
K: Hey Emilia, thanks for the information. What is the location of your building?
E: It is the Goethe Institute on Salomonkatu
K: Are you able to take a photograph so I can see?
E: Sure, here!
K: I can see how this would be an issue — I am going to flag this intersection for our users
K: Please let me know if the situation at this intersection changes
E: Okay!
Joona, who notified the VA of his physical disability during the onboarding process, previously allowed the VA to access his Google calendar. Today he has an event scheduled for 1pm at Aussie Bar. The entrance to this location is on the same street as the Goethe Institute. The VA, which thanks to Emilia’s input knows the sidewalk will be inaccessible through mapped routes, offers suggestions.
E: Hello Joona — I have received information that the sidewalk outside of [Aussie bar] may be inaccessible. Would you like updated directions or to book an Uber?
J: Updated bus directions please
E: Okay. I have sent the updated directions to your phone
J: These directions will make me late — can you reschedule the event for 1:15?
E: Absolutely, updating your calendar now.
E: Would you like me to notify other participants about the time change?
J: Yes please
E: Sure thing. I have sent [the other attendees] an updated invitation.
Further Empirical Investigation
We examined PathVu, a navigation system native to Pittsburgh.
We found that similarly to the other apps we examined the navigation was clunky. Also we were confused by the seemingly arbitrary ratings systems and photographs which did not show the obstructions reported.
Refining Scope
Up to this point we’re realized a need to address two things:
We must better understand the challenges in navigation faced by someone with a mobility disability as to present a compelling scenario. For this, we tried 2 things: 1) used a wheelchair ourselves to feel the difficulty in moving, 2) took a walk from campus to Craig street and Fifth avenue via different routes. This helped us identify some of the problematic areas that Catherine Getchell (of disability services) spoke to us about.
Another big question, “what would motivate an able bodied person to be cognizant of the challenges faced by a disabled individual?”
We modified our scenario and script based on the new findings and these realizations.
Updated User Scenarios
Refined Scripts
Emilia is walking through Helsinki while pushing a stroller. On her route she notices that due to construction the crosswalk between Solomonkatu/Antinkatu and Solomonkatu/Olavinkatu is not passable.
E: Hey Ki, there is construction on Solomonkatu and I cannot use the sidewalk.
K: Hey Emilia, thanks for the information. What is your location.
E: I am on Solomonkatu near the Goethe Institute.
K: Are you able to take a photograph so I can see?
E: Sure, here!
K: I can see how this would be an issue — thank you for reporting this intersection for our users
K: Please let me know if the situation at this intersection changes
E: Okay!
Joona, who notified the VA of his physical disability during the onboarding process, previously allowed the VA to access his Google calendar. Today he has an event scheduled for 1pm at Aussie Bar. The entrance to this location is on the same street as the Goethe Institute. The VA, which thanks to Emilia’s input knows the sidewalk will be inaccessible through mapped routes, offers suggestions.
E: Hello Joona — I have received information that the sidewalk near your location may be inaccessible. Would you like an updated map?
J: Update the map and please send me directions for a route to [Aussie bar]
E: Okay. I have sent the updated directions to your phone
J: These directions will make me late for an event — can you inform reschedule for 1:15?
E: Absolutely, updating your calendar now.
E: Would you like me to notify other participants about the time change?
J: Yes please
E: Sure thing. I have sent [the other attendees] an updated invitation.
Feedback from Peer Discussions
- Consider including positive reinforcements for Emilia’s character. Three examples came up: Waze, Be My Eyes, Rideshare that give positive reinforcement in some way or another to motivate users to keep using
- Can Emilia (and other users that contribute) gain points or recognition as local guides?
- Can these local guides be pinge-ed by other people for recommendations and answers?
- This seems too narrowed, what if you look at things other than navigation. What makes hotels, restaurants etc. accessible? Apart from construction blocking the sidewalks, what are the other hazards in a city that a disabled person can plan for? (We must talk about the broader aspects that we explored before narrowing it down to these scenarios. This would help to show the different possible applications of the participatory, inclusive crow sourced system.)
- We must also clarify that we are not only talking about disability, but anyone who might have even situation disability. So talking about other scenarios like carrying groceries and walk to the parking on an uneven surface might be useful
- Touch upon what happens of the information that is collected, how does that do anything? Like does it only help city officials take action? Do places and routes get like a Ki stamp?
Finalized Scripts
Based on feedback we realized a need to show the justification for why Joona would use our VA to navigate the city. We therefore added an additional scene. We also attempted to demonstrate better integration with Google calendars.
Joona, who is in a wheelchair, approached a sidewalk with a path which has a barrier in place due to construction. As he realizes the sidewalk is impassable he retraces his steps to the previous intersection.
Emilia, who is pushing a stroller, encounters a sidewalk which is inaccessible due to construction. She has the Helsinki VA enabled on her phone.
E: There is construction on Solomonkatu and the sidewalk is inaccessible.
K: Hey Emilia, thanks for the information. Can you give me your location.
E: I am on Solomonkatu near the Goethe Institute.
K: Are you able to take a photograph so I can see?
E: [[Emilial takes and uploads photograph]]
K: I can see how this would be an issue — thank you for reporting this for our users
K: Please let me know if the situation at this intersection changes
Joona, who notified the VA of his physical disability during the onboarding process, receives a notification about a Google calendar event. Directions to this event are along a route which contains the obstruction reported by Emilia.
K: [[alert]]
K: Hey Joona, a sidewalk obstruction has been reported on the rolling route to Aussie Cafe.
K: [[button display (view) (dismiss)]]
J: [[Taps (view)]]
K: [[shows new screen with location and reported info]]
J: [[presses (Check Photo)]]
J: [[looks at photo clicks “close”]]
J: [[back to previous screen taps (alternate route)]]
J: [[slides through options for “drive,” “roll,” and “public transit” slides to “roll” ]]
J: “Hey Ki, can you save the rolling directions on my watch?”
K: “Sure Joona, directions saved.”
K: “Would you like to notify the other attendees of a delay?”
J: “Yes please, tell them that I’ll be 15 minutes late.”
K: “Okay. Notifications have been sent.”